Friday, June 27, 2008

Starting a brand new day

It's coming, it's just around the corner. A new day is about to dawn on the lives of the Browns. Our three week training is over and we are back in Friendswood to start hitting the boxes to pack.

We are so excited to get started on the ministry that God has put before us. We found out that we were getting girls instead of boys, like we had requested. But the really cool thing is that God had started working in both Michele's and my heart and began changing our thoughts. We knew half way into training that God was going to be putting us with a house of girls. Four of the girls we are getting are transfering into our cottage, one is already there. Their ages are 16, 15 (2 of them), 14, 8, 7, 5 (2 of them). The other three will be arriving with in the next few weeks to a month from now. We are not sure as to the dates. When Michele heard that we were getting the two five year olds that just came into the program she started crying. She had fallen in love with these two precious little girls. We are not sure when all of the girls will be in the house but we do know that they should all be in before school starts. We will have several weeks to get to know all of the girls before we send them off to school everyday.

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