Saturday, January 31, 2009

Life is crazy

Well, it has been so long since I have written ANYTHING on here i figured I should just get on here and ramble for a little bit.

Life at BGC can get so crazy. When I tell people this is not just a job but a life style, I can not be any more precise. There is no exageration in it either. Life here at BGC is nonstop. There is always something to be doing. Even now, I have paperwork that I should be doing but I just needed a few minutes to get away.

This weekend is an unusual one because all of the older kids are away at Disciple Now with our church youth group. So that just leaves us the younger girls to have in the house. They are watching some kiddie program while Michele is making breakfast... hmm, maybe I should be in there helping her? I will do that

... see, like i said, there is ALWAYS something to be doing.