Monday, July 28, 2008

Something to make you think.

Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here and drink what comes out"?

This came from I laughed when I read it and then thought, "yea, who did think to do that?" and "why would you want to think to do that?"

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Man, the past couple of days have been ROUGH to say the least. We have this one girls in our home that is.... well, to be honest I am not sure how to describe her. She loses control at a drop of a hat and will throw a temper tantrum over anything. The past two night have been off the scale horrible. No one knows why she has started acting like this. Tomorrow she has a counceling session with the councelor. We think that she may need to go on meds but not sure what until she sees the doctor.
We also think that she has been abused (many ways) by someone at home but there is no real proof yet.
Please pray for us that GOD gives us the strength to be a good example of GOD LOVE for her.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Moving Day Blues

I hate the whole idea of it. You would think that I was used to it by now. Before Michele and I were married I can only remember moving once before that. I know that my parents moved three/four times when I was really little but I don't remember those. I remember only one move. That was when I was five years old. I grew up in the house that we moved to. I didn't move again for another 16 years, that was when Michele and I moved to Arkansas. Since then, we have moved about 17 times!!! Thats one move a year per marriage!!!! GOOD GRIEF! The really sad thing about that is many of the places we have lived, we lived there for 2+ years. So that means we moved more than twice in some years. Now granted they were all for a reason. I guess I am just really tired of moving.
Well, not anymore (for at least 3 years).

Today is Friday and I am not sure how we are going to get the house finished before the movers get here at 7am tomorrow morning. There are a bunch of boxes in the breakfast room and the kids have boxes packed in there room. There are also boxes packed and left randomly around the house in different rooms.
The good thing about it is that we have the house for another month and we can take our time, on our off days, to get the odds and ends back to the cottage. The movers are only taking the furniture and the boxes that are packed.

Oh well, I guess i need to get back to packing and moving the furniture...

...Oh crap! I still have to mow the yard!!!!